How to Dream Big and Make it Happen — Life with a mug

Barbara Withamug
7 min readDec 26, 2019

It sounds weird, but ask yourself, how many times did you block a cool idea you had because you simple started to rationalise and ground yourself back to your current reality.

You see, if you don’t even allow yourself to dream how on this earth will you make it happen?

So, the first step would be to find out HOW TO DREAM BIG.

This is key! A lot of people stop dreaming as they enter adulthood. I don’t know what age that means for you, because it is not a fixed age. It could be as soon as in your teens, or as late as when you are death. What really happens here is that we start to judge our own ideas.

Remember when you were a kid and wanted to play whatever silly game, you never really thought it was silly, you never really measured its value you really never cared what the out is gonna be.

But there comes a time in everybody’s life when we start to become self conscious and we start to care, more, about what other people say.

So, all of a sudden we stop doing things we do enjoy doing because some cool guys at school think is stupid. Or because our parents are pushing us towards more valuable things (into their eyes).

Society starts to shape us, and guide us towards whatever trend is going on at the time.

It is natural to want to fit, so the tendency is to follow.

Very few people hold tight to their deeper interests. Some keep enjoying of the things they find pleasant despite of what others will think, or despite what value (monetary value) can that bring to your life.

You see, when you start making evaluations about things that are fun, they stop being fun. SIMPLE.

So, all of a sudden all the fun of creating our imaginary worlds goes away as we settled with what is expected from us.

We follow the common path, whatever is culturally accepted, or whatever the family wants from us.

And then, one day you may find yourself trapped in a world which doesn’t sparkle. It is a world that was created by someone and you got to live in it. You adopted all their rules, and all their standards and prejudices.

Now, every thought you have is scrutinised by those normals. Does it fit the norm? If it wasn’t possible to do until now, I may not be able to do. Whatever is not productive (money-wise) mustn’t be pondered.

Every thought from the early stages gets analyzed, compared to someone else, and eventually killed (repressed)

Holly cow, what now?! You know that ideas keep coming to you. You see people all the time that have seemingly perfect lives, and you wonder if you can one day have that too. Eventually you may start a race trying to create for yourself a ‘perfect life’ that looks like theirs.

But, then along the way you feel you are somewhat killing yourself, you are working too hard, you are not enjoying it.

Is Dreaming Big even possible?

At this point you think that dreaming something different may not be that cool at the end.

Yet again, I must say, you were following someone else’s perfect life, NOT YOURS! That was great for them, but did you ever asked yourself, is that really me???

The whole thing of dreaming big and working hard is quite a messed up nonsense. I mean, yes, big things require work A LOT OF IT. However, it will be hard (mentally) when you are doing it against your real interests.

Let me explain you.

First of all, every life has up’s and down’s. You must just sip that in and remove any further complains. Not shit is perfect all the time. But, if you are really going after that is genuinely yours, you will enjoy rolling on that shit, BELIEVE ME! Been there, done that.

You’ll be looking forward to more struggle cause you are somehow having fun. You are challenging yourself and you are enjoying it at a deep level.

Let’s go back to when you were a child. I guess most of the games you play, whether they involved toys, or a computer game or your sole imagination, these games include some sort of challenge you had to go through. I don’t know, have you ever played Super Mario Bros? How much struggle did go through for that princess? As you were playing Mario you liked the action and the adrenaline, and the excitement of successfully jumping all the obstacles, and so on and so forth. I know I did get mad while playing. I broke a joystick once, cause I was raging…. But I always went back for the challenge. Oh dear… my favorite game was Sonic anyways… I still hear the clink of the coins in my head or the Super Mario song with mushrooms in the scene LOL (Ok, forget that)

OK, maybe you did not play Mario, but you enjoyed to paint and draw… You were constantly using your creative senses to create your world. I am sure if the coloring books were given to you already painted you didn’t have that much fun, did you??

I think you get my point here. We are wired to be doing, to be creating, to be solving problems, to ENGAGE in life.

What does it mean to Dream Big

Dreaming big is all about allowing yourself the freedom to create a reality that is in tune with you. Dreaming big is opening up to new possibilities to new ideas, to new ways of living.

It doesn’t really matter if your desire involves millions of people or dollars or it is just you sitting peacefully under a tree.

It is not about the size of what we want, it is about how far out of you current standards you can see and can create something.

It’s is about you expanding. It is about you allowing more of yourself to come to life. This is the core of dreaming big. So stop measuring your dreams agains some standard comparison methods and start taking in more of the meaningful things in your life.

Then, create something around it.

So, How do you Dream Big?

Great question, you have to start by creating a new mental space for your ideas where they can REACH you and not be judged.

  1. Learn to have fun
  2. Learn to do things just because they feel good to
  3. Start doing things because YOU want to

you don’t know where to start? Think about what makes you smile.

How to recognize things that make you passionate?

Knowing this is simpler than you think. First erase any previous understanding of what passion is.

Identify the things that

  1. You can’t stop talking about
  2. You can’t stop thinking about
  3. You would do it even if you never see a penny from


Do it, believe me, if you judge these activities or thoughts you will harm yourself. You will close the door to more creative flow. It is what it is, embrace it! You wanna keep doing it because it feels good to you, that has to be enough, and it is.

You see, if you judge small things, how do you expect yourself to allow BIG DREAMS to come to you??

Trust me on this.

Baby steps towards your dreams

Dreaming big doesn’t involved huge action steps to create tangible results, in fact, the opposite is true.
The key in having what you want is steady movement.

Really. Be realistic here. Everyone talking about THEIR NEXT BIG MOVE. I ask you. Have you ever seen a skyscraper rise overnight?

I haven’t, if you did, let me know, I want to study their process… But I doubt you will.

Sure technologies make things be built faster and faster, they key in large constructions is a SOLID BASIS, a great selection of materials, and dedicate focus on the engineering to make it last.

Hold that last part MAKE IT LAST.

Normally when we talk about BIG DREAMS we want to think about LONG TERM. A term, which seems to be forgotten nowadays.

Barbara is a Personal Development coach. Writer. Artist. Nomad. Thinker.
She’s on a mission to share with the world the power of being yourself and learning to do from a place of alignment. You can create a life that fits you, and her messaging is all about help you to do that.
You can grab her free ebooks, guides and free resources at — Follow on Instagram for daily content @life_with_a_mug

Originally published at on December 26, 2019.

